Diego Alatriste - Level 43 Natural Scrapper

Diego Alatriste

Titan Network profile

Server: Freedom

Global: @furrycat

Supergroup: Tercio Viejo de Cartagena

Primary powerset: Katana

Secondary powerset: Invulnerability

Inf: 7191914

Progress to level 44: 37%

This character is my homage to Captain Alatriste, a fictional character whom I discovered quite by accident.

While browsing books at Dubai airport to find something to read on my onward flight, I came across Captain Alatriste, the story of a 17th century Spanish soldier turned mercenary who hires his skills with a sword out to anyone with money to pay him. What caught my eye was the cover of the book. The illustrator had depicted a typical swashbuckling hero with feathered hat, flowing cape and flashing blade. His outfit was, different colours notwithstanding, almost exactly the same as the costume I used when creating Catpain Ruffles.

Captain Alatriste

I was delighted to see such a strong resemblance as I had wanted to create a swashbuckler's costume and seeing a similar outfit on the front of this book was evidence that I had succeeded.

As I had already taken a photograph of it to show Don_T_Shoot, it was almost as an afterthought that I bought the book. To my surprise and delight it turned out to be an exciting and well-written story. A Spanish-language film version of the tale was released in September 2006 and I wanted to create a COH version of the character.

Naturally the costume was easy. Just copy Ruffles and make minor tweaks. The powersets were a little harder to choose. Katana/Super Reflexes is the obvious choice for a swashbuckler but I didn't want to clone Ruffles entirely. Alatriste is a battle-scarred veteran of the Spanish army and a physically tough character as well as being nimble on his feet. Invulnerability was my eventual choice of secondary as it offers both defence and resistance to incoming attacks.

Backstory: You do not need a healer.
You should not let the Blaster pull.
No XP is awarded for standing around.
The difficulty is set when you go in.
The spawn size is set when you spawn them.
Trick Arrow is not worthless.
I do not think I'm a Tanker.
I am not Mexican.
Nor is Arturo P